Saturday, July 24, 2010


Remember a few days ago I did 1.25 miles in 30 minutes? That was really bugging me. Last evening, I was itching to run to see if I could do better. I typically run first thing in the morning, but why not run when I'm actually feeling like it?

I ran the 1.25 in 14:58. I did not shuffle. It was hard to do. But I did it. The best thing about it was KNOWING that I could run a mile. THE BIG SCARY MILE is no longer scary and out of reach. Instead it's firmly in my grasp to do whatever I want with it.

I believe I ran at a pace of around 4 mph (correct me if my math is wrong). In my book that's fairly respectable. A lot better than 30 minutes, that's for sure.

At this point, I'm not sure if I want to work on the speed so much. The run really messed up my feet and ankles. I've been limping around like an old woman. My feet kill. It feels like I have two sprained ankles. I'm not sure if it's because I ran faster or if it's because of dodging rocks, sticks, pinecones and logs (both putting a lot of strain on my feet and ankles - feet and ankles that don't have the correct support to begin with). Maybe a combination of both. But, while I'm in Pennsylvania, I think I'll lay off the speed and more focus on distance.

I'd like to run 2 miles.

1 comment:

  1. Boo-yah! Nice work! Great persistence! I am truly inspired.
