Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Bad

Of course my awesome run last week had to be balanced with a truly horrible one this week. Monday I woke up to it pouring outside so I decided to put the pillow over my head and sleep for a little longer and determined that I'd run on Tuesday.

Tuesday I woke up not wanting to run at all. At all. But I dragged myself out. From the very start I knew it was going to be rotten. Maybe it was my attitude. Maybe it was the 82% humidity. Whatever I didn't want to be running.

I ran anyway. I ran the 15 minute split - run 15 minutes, walk 1 minute, run 15 minutes. I hated every second of it. And when I finished it I didn't even care. Wasn't proud that I accomplished it even though I was tired and hot and in a bad mood. Lots of times I'll be proud that I've accomplished something despite my trials. Not Tuesday.

And when I say I ran, I really mean that I shuffled. And I don't mean as the run progressed I started to shuffle - I mean that I started out at a depressing shuffle and it only got worse.

The silver lining: Tuesday is over.

1 comment:

  1. The important thing is you completed the run. The psychological game in running is huge, the fact you were able to push through and complete regardless is fantastic.

    The will to keep moving is so important as your training continues.

    Have you calculated the distance you have covered yet?
