Saturday, August 21, 2010

Running Buddy

This past week I really failed . . . except for one day. On Monday evening I was bored and antsy so decided to go for a run/jog/shuffle. My 9 year-old daughter expressed an interest to go with me. By the time we headed out the door, it was starting to get dark. Kinda creepy. So we stayed in our neighborhood (yeah, still creepy). It was a lot of fun having her with me. She's a lot better at talking while running than I am. I can make the occasional grunt, but that's about it. She jogs along with a spring in her step.

We only jogged for 10 minutes. I think we would have done more if it wasn't 105 degrees out. It was seriously hot. At least we didn't have the sun beating down on us.

I'm hoping that she and I can make this a routine. I loved having her with me. She pushes me and I encourage her. We make a pretty good team.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome Roccy. I can see that sweet girl being good company any day. :)
