Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I Am Running Challenged

The title sounds better than "I Stink At Running."

Except for once or twice last year (and do those times really count when it was all downhill?), I haven't been able to run a mile. What is wrong with me?

I'm honestly feeling defeated and I don't know how to push through the wall. I jog insanely slow, but still after 5 minutes I'm beat . . . can't carry on a conversation . . . can't even eek out anything but a grunt.

Oh, and what drives me up the wall is that EACH time I go out is so completely different. One day I can jog 15 minutes straight, the next time I run I can barely go for 5 minutes. There is absolutely no rhyme or reason to it.

I know so much of this is mental. But when I feel like I'm going to puke in the bushes (which almost happened tonight - how embarrassing would that have been? Puking on the side of the road - RIGHT BY MY HOUSE), pass out, or when my body just can't go another step at a pace above a walk, I don't know how to get past that and I really want to!

I almost wanted to try a 5k - that's a wee bit over 3 miles - but c'mon . . . I can't even do 1 mile (unless of course it's downhill)!

Arg. Ok, this was just a big fat frustration post. Carry on.

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